Sponge Puddings

Dialling-up taste cues to drive Rate-of-Sale.

When Mr Kipling launched its range of sticky hot puds into the category, sales just didn’t fly as expected.

Following customer listening exercises, the brand team realised the product presentation didn’t feel sufficiently special.

The cakes themselves were diminutive on pack and didn’t capture the delicious, warm, ready-to-eat moment.

Further work identified the side panel as critical for shopper appeal and current packs under-delivered.

Threesixty set about refining the product visual - dialling up taste appeal, we reorganised the pack architecture on both key panels and optimised the colour set-up across the range to add visual punch and make each SKU more distinctive and tasty-looking.

Now the range is better-optimised for retail - enhanced pop at shelf, tasty looking & more desirable, and easy to shop between the range.


Bisto Roast


Angel Delight